Reduce your taxes and support a cause close to your heart!
If you are like most Americans, you probably have already begun your year-end planning. For Americans age 70½ and older, this planning includes taking the required minimum distribution (RMD) from their IRA. If you are 70 ½ years old or older and own a traditional IRA, consider making an IRA charitable rollover from your IRA to the International Community Foundation to benefit East Cape Community Urgent Care Clinic this year!
Your gift will:
Not be included in your taxable income.
Satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD) this year.
Reduce your taxable income, even if you do not itemize deductions.
Not be subject to the 50% limitation on charitable gifts.
Must be made directly from the IRA custodian to charity and can be used to create or contribute to an Unrestricted, Field-of-Interest, or Designated Fund.
Advance the work of our organization.
Between now and December 31st, you can take advantage of a simple and tax-wise giving opportunity.
Simply contact your IRA administrator for assistance with making an IRA charitable rollover gift or email The International Community Foundation for help getting started.